User experience posts
Inclusive user research: recruiting participants
Posted on by Ela Gorla in Testing, User experience
One of the most important and challenging aspects of running inclusive user research is finding participants with a wide range of access needs, who can provide feedback on different features of your products. Our third post from the Inclusive user research series answers key questions around recruitment.
Research insight: accessibility of images
Posted on by Henny Swan in Testing, User experience
When conducting usability testing with disabled users, we observed how well images performed from both a visual and non-visual perspective when it came to finding and understanding content.
Inclusive user research: analysing findings
Posted on by Ela Gorla in User experience
In moderating usability testing with people with disabilities we covered the skills and techniques that help researchers run sessions smoothly and collect valuable insights. The second post in our Inclusive user research series discusses some of the unique challenges posed by findings from sessions run with people with disabilities, and advice on how to analyse them.
Browsing with assistive technology videos
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
Understanding how people with disabilities browse the web using assistive technologies (AT) is core to making an accessible and inclusive user experience. Our browsing with assistive technology videos series introduces commonly used software, who uses it, how it works, and ways people navigate content.
Browsing with speech recognition
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
In our fifth and final post from our browsing with assistive technology series, we discuss browsing with speech recognition.
You can also explore browsing with a desktop screen reader, browsing with a mobile screen reader, browsing with a keyboard, and browsing with screen magnification.
Browsing with screen magnification
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
In our fourth post from our browsing with assistive technology series, we discuss browsing with screen magnification.
You can also explore browsing with a desktop screen reader, browsing with a mobile screen reader, browsing with a keyboard, and browsing with speech recognition.
Browsing with a keyboard
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
In our third post from our browsing with assistive technology series, we discuss browsing with a keyboard.
You can also explore browsing with a desktop screen reader, browsing with a mobile screen reader, browsing with screen magnification and browsing with speech recognition.
Browsing with a mobile screen reader
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
In our second post from our browsing with assistive technology series, we discuss mobile screen readers.
You can also explore browsing with desktop screen readers, browsing with a keyboard, browsing with screen magnification and browsing with speech recognition.
Browsing with a desktop screen reader
Posted on by Henny Swan in User experience
In our first post from our browsing with assistive technologies series, we discuss desktop screen readers.
You can also explore browsing with a mobile screen reader, browsing with a keyboard, browsing with screen magnification and browsing with speech recognition.
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Wherever you are in your accessibility journey, get in touch if you have a project or idea.